Special Level 2 HomeBuyer Report | Home Survey & Valuation

Level 2 HomeBuyer Report

Our most popular survey amongst first time and family buyers with easy to navigate traffic light system of reporting property issues. 

A RICS Homebuyers report is an intermediate home property survey designed for traditional family housing stock in relatively good condition.

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Why you need a Drone Roof Survey

Our expert and licensed drone surveyors will check the condition of your roof, chimneys and any hidden valleys. Hidden defects out of view can be very expensive to fix, and cause damage inside. Avoid nasty hidden surprises. 

Tell me why I need this?

Who owns and lives at the property? Does the seller actually own it? Can you obtain vacant possession? Do the boundaries match HM Land Registry plans? Our additional anti-fraud pack protects your investment. Highly recommended. 


Highly recommended – Up to 7 hours of your time & hundreds of pounds can be saved per person with SlothMove, including home removals. Protect your credit rating, avoid fines and reduce fraud risk, many benefits. 

Know the true value of your home

An independent RICS Regulated Market Valuation reflecting any issues found on site. RICS Reinstatement Insurance Valuation to provide to your buildings and contents insurer prior to exchange of contracts. Protect your investment. Highly recommended.

What is a HomeBuyer Report?

A homeBuyer report is the most popular Property Survey for buyers. An economic but detailed survey, suitable for most residential properties.

This report gives you more detailed information and provides an independent valuation of the property. It includes a more extensive inspection of the property with guidance on defects that may affect the value of the property.

Focussing on all aspects of the property, from damp to structural movement, this RICS Report is easy to navigate, has a traffic light system of reporting issues, and a special section for you to provide to your solicitor. 

Once our surveyors have seen everything on site, they are perfectly placed to provide you with an independent RICS Market Valuation, to help you protect your investment.

Unsure which property survey is right for you? We have a great article that explains all: “Choosing the right property inspection survey.”


Important: Property Valuations

Property Valuations provides a market value and reinstatement cost for insurance purposes.

It is important to remember that a valuation report is for the mortgage lender’s purposes, not as a guide for you. It simply tells the lender that the asset is reasonable security for the loan – it doesn’t provide information on the condition of the property. Speak with our honest approachable experts today who will be happy to guide you If you are unsure.


Example Homebuyers Report below:


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Homebuyers Report, what's included:


  • Describes the construction and condition of the property on the date of inspection
  • Aims to identify any problems that need urgent attention or are serious
  • Aims to identify things that need to be investigated further to prevent serious damage
  • Aims to tell about problems that may be dangerous
  • Aims to show up potential issues and defects, before any transaction takes place


And more

  • Aims to help you decide whether you need extra advice before committing to a purchase
  • Aims to enable you to budget for any repairs or restoration
  • Aims to advise you on the amount of ongoing maintenance required in the future
  • Provides a reinstatement cost to help you avoid under or over-insurance if requested as part of the valuation
  • Provides a market valuation if requested.


“We had a fantastic experience with Arnold and Baldwin when we purchased our home. Our surveyor Joe was extremely professional and took the time to talk through the homebuyers report in detail, they were happy to answer any subsequent queries and did so promptly and honestly. Great service from start to finish! We used A&B again when purchasing our second home, and have also recommended to family and friends.”

Cat & Paul Vogado


“We are first time buyers and used Arnold & Baldwin for a Homebuyers Survey. Our surveyor Sam Williams wrote a detailed report with everything we needed to know about the condition of the property. He bought to light any defects and gave us ideas on how to rectify issues with the cost involved.

Being a first time buyer and making such a large investment can be daunting, Arnold & Baldwin put us at ease with such a great service and report. I would highly recommended them to family, friends and anyone looking for a survey.

Thank you Sam & team. Keep up the amazing work!”

Louise Price

What's reinstatement cost? 

The Reinstatement Cost (also known as rebuild cost or building sum insured) of your home, is the amount it would cost to completely rebuild the property from scratch if it were totally destroyed, by a fire for example. It is required for building insurance applications and is the amount of money for which your home is insured in case of total loss.

It includes costs of clearing the site, materials, labour and professional fees. It is not the same as the value of your home. Reinstatement costs are for an accurate reconstruction of your property whereas market value is simply what the property is worth as a whole finished product.


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Snagging list, HomeBuyers Report or building survey –which one is right for me. Choosing a home or building survey that's right for you is fairly simple…

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