Popular Level 1 Condition Report | Property Survey, Book Now

Level 1 Condition Report

An entry level home & property survey. Condition Reports are designed for modern properties requiring a cursory overview, to ensure there are no major defects.


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Why you need a Drone Roof Survey

Our expert and licensed drone surveyors will check the condition of your roof, chimneys and any hidden valleys. Hidden defects out of view can be very expensive to fix, and cause damage inside. Avoid nasty hidden surprises. 

What is a condition report?

A Condition report or Home condition report (HCR) is generally suitable for smaller and newer properties and serves as a valuable “MOT” for homeowners looking to assess the general condition of their home. It should be used for a conventional house, flat or bungalow built from common building materials which is in reasonable condition.

This report provides a succinct overview of a residential property and focuses purely on the condition of the property by giving ratings to the different parts of the building and flagging up any areas that need attention. It is a basic ‘traffic light’ survey.

If you are looking for a more detailed property inspection and report of defects and issues within a home, building or property, please book either:


Level 2 HomeBuyers Report 

Our most popular survey amongst first time and family buyers with easy to navigate traffic light system of reporting property issues. 

A RICS Homebuyers report is an intermediate home property survey designed for traditional family housing stock in relatively good condition.


Level 3 Building Survey 

A thorough analysis that uncovers any defects, provides detailed repair recommendations, and offers maintenance advice to ensure your property's longevity and value.


  • Describes the construction and condition of the property on the date of inspection
  • Aims to identify any problems that need urgent attention or are serious
  • Aims to identify things that need to be investigated further to prevent serious damage
  • Aims to tell about problems that may be dangerous
  • Aim to show up potential issues and defects, before any transaction takes place.

Whether it's your building, property or home, our award-winning property experts can help

Which Property Survey?

Snagging list, HomeBuyers Report or building survey –which one is right for me. Choosing a home or building survey that's right for you is fairly simple…

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