The size of a home can often make the difference in what a buyer or tenant will pay for it and yet many companies measure the size of home differently, depending on the standard adopted and the measured areas included. It's a strange set of circumstances but it can lead to buyers and tenants being misled into paying more than they should, or suddenly finding they don't actually have enough space for all their belongings because they've been given false measurements or incorrect floor plans, which suggests that their home is larger than it actually is.
To overcome this problem and help movers pay a fair price, the RICS has launched a new informative guide, known as ‘Measurement Matters’ and this is designed to help ensure all homes are measured consistently and transparently using the same property measurement standard. ‘Measurement Matters’ is full of helpful guidance for those involved in the sale or lease of residential property; on what measurements should and should not be included in a home’s floor plan. It also highlights the importance of checking with the agent that the person who measured the property is a RICS professional or a certified property measurer. Residential property has been measured inconsistently in this country for far too long but ‘Measurement Matters’ will serve to drive down the level of inconsistent and inaccurate floor plans.